Support Our Campaign

Your financial support helps us reach more voters and share our message with the community. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in our campaign's success.

Donate Online

Make a secure online donation using our campaign donation platform. It's quick, easy, and secure.

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Note: If making a donation of $200 or more, please enter your occupation and employer in the field "What is this donation for? (Optional)" on the donation form.

Donate by Mail

You can also contribute by sending a check to our campaign headquarters.

Please make checks payable to:

Committee to Elect Brian Palmer
33 Dean Street
Belmont, MA 02478

Please include your name, address, occupation, and employer as required by campaign finance laws.

Campaign Finance Information (for online or by mail)

The name and address of a contributing individual is needed for donations of $50 or more. If a contribution is $200 or more, the person’s occupation and employer is also required. The maximum amount an individual may contribute to a candidate’s committee is $1,000 per year.